Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Nathalie Abendroth Scherf
Educator and Web Developer
Professional experience
- Founder of Teaching Code
11.2021 - Educator of Web Development
08.2022 - present (Freelancer) at BIT: Beam Institute of Technology Berlin (Web Development) - Educator of Web Development
05.2020 - 05.2022(Freelancer) at DCI: Digital Career Institute Berlin (Web Development) - Coding Mentor at Frauenloop
01.2020 - present Volunteer work Mentoring the Web development Courses - Associate Software Product Developer
03.2019 - 05.2020 at Cultivate GmbH - Researcher
01.2012- 01.2018 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Teacher for Swedish as a Foreign Language
01.2010-08.2012 at International House Berlin - Prolog - Teacher for Swedish as a Foreign Language
10.2007-09.2009 at TUDIAS (Technische Universität Dresden Institut of Advanced Studies GmbH)
Professional trainings
- Advanced full stack application engineering, TDD and Agile
03.2019- 08.2019 Cultivate(it) - Full Stack Web Development
10.2018- 12.2018 SPICED Academy -
Sicher sprechen und sein, Sprechtraining für Vortrag und Präsentation
10.2015 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Lehren lernen
03.2015 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Linguistics, Doctoral degree
04.2012- 06.2018 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Doctoral Thesis: Swedish Modal Particles- Analyses of ju, väl, nog and visst. - Linguistics, Master of Arts
10.2009- 12.2011 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
MA-Thesis: Arten der Negation im Schwedischen und Deutschen - ein Vergleich - Linguistics, Literature and Cultural studies:
German and English Bachelor of Arts
10.2006-09.2009: Technische Universität Dresden
BA-Thesis: Motivierender Grammatikunterricht im Rahmen der kommunikativen Didaktik